Colonic Treatments
Victoria is highly trained and registered through ARCH – the Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists. ARCH is a verifier for Colon Hydrotherpy for the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council). CNHC is the only government backed regulator for the alternative healthcare industry. Like ARCH, the CNHC focuses on safety and quality, although in practice ARCH standards actually exceed those laid down in the National Occupational Standards (CNH26) by the CNHC. The CNHC handles any complaints about ARCH therapists using a fitness to practice code and details can be found on the CNHC website.
General Medical Council (GMC) guidance confirms that doctors are able to refer patients to practitioners on the CNHC register.
ARCH is the UK’s leading community for Colon Hydrotherapists. Together they set standards, support members and spread the word about the effective, natural treatment that is provided for thousands of people, from all walks of life, every week.
ARCH members are passionate about colonic hydrotherapy because they see on a daily basis the real, positive effects it has on people’s lives, whether they’re suffering with digestive problems or simply looking for a natural boost to their health and wellbeing.

Colonic Hydrotherapy Treatments
Filtered water is introduced at a carefully regulated temperature and a gentle gravitation pressure through the rectum into the colon. With special massage techniques, the water begins to soften and cleanse the colon of faecal matter and old deposits which are then piped away with the waste water. Your therapist works progressively round the structure of the colon allowing water alternatively to flow in and release.
The whole process takes about an hour.
Most people quickly experience improved mental clarity after Colonic Hydrotherapy. With toxic overload diminished and elimination improved, a greater feeling of wellbeing and lightness is felt. In the long term, bowel disease risk is also lessened and nutrients are better absorbed, leading
to improved health all round.
Duration: 1 hour and 35 minutes
Price: from £85.00
Why have a Colonic?
People have colon hydrotherapy for a wide range of reasons. Some are looking for relief from the symptoms of IBS and other gastro-intestinal problems such as bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, while others simply want to maintain and improve their digestive health and enjoy the fresh, light feeling and enhanced energy levels that often comes from the treatment.
What does a Colonic treatment do?
Colon hydrotherapy works with your body, helping to return your digestive system to a more natural, healthy state. The gentle flow of water works in two ways: firstly it cleans out waste matter in the colon, and secondly it stimulates the natural nerve and muscle action of the bowels to encourage proper bowel function.
What benefits will I get from a Colonic?
Colon Hydrotherapy gives many people a sensation of overall well-being and energy and it’s often the inspiration for a healthier diet and lifestyle all round.
What’s more, since your digestive system is closely linked with the rest of your body’s functions, the therapy may also help you with headaches, allergies and acne, and improve mental and physical sluggishness. And when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside, bringing out your natural beauty through clearer skin and brighter eyes.
This treatment will induce deep relaxation and a state of calm and balance.

Coffee Enema Treatment
A coffee enema is the insertion of organic ground coffee into the colon after a colonic hydrotherapy treatment, helping to cleanse the liver of toxins. These toxins occur from the normal metabolisms of food as well as the carcinogenic toxins from our polluted environment, drugs, food and water pollutants such as pesticides, preservatives, hormones, excreted prescription drugs and fluoride.
A coffee enema is added during the colonic hydrotherapy treatment.
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Price: from £95.00
What are the benefits of a Coffee Enema?
- Cleanses the blood and clear the liver of toxins to improve its many metabolic functions
- Boosts the immune system and cell energy production and repair
- Removes accumulated toxins that have been associated with general nervous tension, confusion, depression, allergy related symptoms and severe pain.
- Antioxidant effects of clearer skin and eyes
- A stimulating effect on bowel function

Probiotic Implant Treatment
Our high strength Probiotic Implant contains the following probiotics BifidoBacterium Bifidum; BifidoBacterium Longum; LactoBacillus Acidophillus and LactoBacillus Casei and FOS.
They provide 28 Billion viable cells at the time of manufacture.
An exact dose of the high strength probiotics are mixed with a little tepid water and inserted directly to about 6 inches into the colon via the rectum through a very fine, flexible tube. The procedure will not be at all uncomfortable. When the probiotics are in place, the tube is immediately withdrawn and the client reclines to a comfortable position on the bed and stays still, allowing maximum absorption.
The probiotics are allowed direct access to the mucus membranes of the colon, and absorption is immediate. Because probiotics have been introduced directly to the colon, the results are far more potent than taking them orally. This leads to a greater population and retention of bacteria for optimum colonic health.
The treatment is best undertaken immediately after a colonic hydrotherapy treatment.
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Price: from £105.00
What benefits of each of the different strains of probiotics contained within the implant?
BifidoBacterium Bifidum – Its job is to maintain the micro flora balance within the intestines, control the increase of detrimental bacteria, bolster the immune system, and aid in the digestive process.
Bifidobacterium Longum – This has been described as one of the most significant and important types of good bacteria that inhabits the human body. Bifidobacterium longum or B. longum is very helpful because it maintains a normal digestive tract, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, and also boosts the immune system. Other benefits of B. longum include, diarrhoea prevention in antibiotic treated patients, cholesterol reduction, alleviation of lactose intolerance symptoms, immune stimulation, and cancer prevention. In addition to this research various studies have been conducted regarding the health effects of B. longum, and researchers have concluded from these studies that B. longum may minimize the effects of or prevent the following: constipation associated with weight loss, various types of allergies and inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease or colitis, or high levels of cholesterol.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus – One of the main functions of probiotics in the acidophilus group is to provide aid in the digestion process. Lactobacillus acidophilus is found naturally in humans in the mouth, the intestines and the vagina. Classified as healthy bacteria, L. acidophilus helps guard against infections and disease. There are a number of ways in which L. acidophilus performs. It assists in the breakdown of foods and thereby produces hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid and other substances that create an acidic, unfriendly environment for harmful organisms. L. acidophilus also creates lactase, which is an enzyme that converts lactose (milk sugar) into a simple sugar. Because of this latter capability, ingestion of L. acidophilus may be useful for people who suffer from lactose intolerance.
Lactobacillus Casei – Lactobacillus Casei is a beneficial bacteria that is found naturally in both the mouth and intestines of human beings. It produces lactic acid which helps lower pH levels in the digestive system and impedes the growth of harmful bacteria. It is able to improve and promote digestion. Some strains of the bacteria help control diarrhoea, while other strains have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gut. Other advantageous effects include reducing lactose intolerance, alleviating constipation, and even modulation of the immune system

Rest and Restore Detox Package
Details coming soon…
Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Price: £120.00